Drawing Inspiration from Thailand

As a designer and artist, I constantly look to my surrounding environment for inspiration. Nature, architecture and social interaction are some of my favorite mediums from which to draw that inspiration, and it brings me great joy to see that reflected in my work. The developer in me, then would logically assume that in order to continue to push myself to create unique work, I need to explore new environments. The following statement demonstrates this algorithm: newideas= exploration + inspiration Thailand felt like the ideal destination to accomplish this, so I embarked on a two month trip to the country with my girlfriend Ashley. It was the best trip of my entire life.
Thousands of elaborate temples pepper the landscape, and we made a point to visit as many as possible. The mind-boggling architecture and powerful symbolism made for the perfect setting to sit and sketch or write. We studied the nature of subtractive light and color theory through several scuba diving courses, where we explored shipwrecks, coral reefs, and even dove at night with bio-luminescent plankton. Sampling the vast array of dishes at bustling night markets offered the chance to explore Thai cuisine and increase our chili pepper tolerance. At Songkran, Thailand’s New Year and giant water-fight, we studied the various human responses that result from receiving a bucket of ice water to the face. Countless tests were performed. All in all, we traveled about 4000 miles around Thailand on trains, boats, buses, planes and motorbikes. We visited six islands and countless white sand beaches, and traversed winding high-mountain roads and twisting jungle rivers. Inspiration poured in from every direction, sometimes offering itself as a flash flood of 120 degree heat, rats, and foul odors, and other times as a tangerine sunrise over a tranquil sea. We found inspiration in the most unlikely of places, and while exploring our new-found love for Thai culture, we rediscovered our love for our own. It is great to be home, but our adventures in Thailand will always hold a special place in our hearts.