WordPress Content Management System Security Updates
We love WordPress and we love working with it. However, like any software, it needs to be updated for security and maintenance issues that could arise. With all the rapid growth in technology, it unfortunately has to be updated often! It usually doesn’t take much time for us to do one update, but you multiply that by the number of WordPress sites we manage… Well, you get the idea. Wouldn’t you love it if your computer would update when you WEREN’T in the middle of using it?! Thankfully with the release of WordPress 3.7, when you’re sleeping, WordPress is up late doing the heavy lifting. Updating itself with Maintenance and Security updates on your (or our) behalf! For big versions, (i.e. 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, etc..), You’ll have to press the button on those. But all those tiny updates (ie 3.7.xx ), they take care of themselves. We recommend database and file backups for large versions, since they occasionally will throw out old code that your site may be using (the older a site is, the less effective it is for a marketing tool). But, these large updates don’t happen that often ( usually about every 6 months.) Contact us today so we can update your site and ensure that it is safe and sound.