Differentiating Your Brand- What makes your company the better choice?
Here at D4 we always start our relationship with our clients by asking questions and gaining an understanding of your business. One of the key questions we always ask is:
What makes your company better than your competitors? Why choose you?
Every company should have an answer to this question. If this is something you haven’t put much thought into, we strongly advise you start now! Below are some key areas that you can use to differentiate yourself and prove that you are the best choice:
- Pricing This doesn’t mean you should beat everyone else’s prices, this means differentiating yourself based on value. Do you want to be the lowest cost out there? Or is your product or service more expensive because the value justifies it? Pricing plays a big factor in the consumer decision process and their perception of your brand. Not all customers are looking for the lowest price.
- Offering Is your product or service better quality? Unique in some way? Not easily replicated? If it is, this should be a key message for your brand. Inform your current and potential customers that what you offer is different than anything else on the market.
- Process Maybe it is your process makes your company unique. Have you made it easier to obtain your products or services somehow? Are you more personal and do you offer one-on-one service? Or maybe you have a technological, modern approach? What about your processes are different from your competitors? Use this in your branding.
- Environment How do you make your customers feel? Safe? Relaxed? Artistic? Eco-friendly? Your brand can embody this feeling and help to make your company stand out.
There are many ways you can differentiate your brand that span well beyond this list. The first step to creating your brand is to create a clear strategy with 2-3 differentiating factors. This can make a world of difference for consumers deciding whether to use your product or service. So ask yourself, why do your customers choose you over the competition? Why should they? Not sure what makes you different from the competition? Contact us for a consultation and we will help you discover the right path for you and your brand. Knowing the answer to this helps build a strong foundation for your future marketing efforts with us!