D4 Launches Western Surgical Group Website!
We are excited to announce the launch of the Western Surgical Group website! The scope of the project included an entirely new website design; slight rebranding; search engine optimization (SEO); mobile optimization; and restructured physician biography, diagnoses/procedures, and surgical specialty pages.

Western Surgical Group, founded in 1996, is a top-tier medical/surgical practice in Reno, Nevada. Using cutting edge, innovative technology and advanced breakthroughs in surgical treatment, Western Surgical Group has become Northern Nevada’s largest surgical team.
When tasked with this project, D4 knew exactly where to begin. By examining the old website, we noticed an outdated color scheme of yellows, oranges, and browns. With user experience in mind, we opted to do away with these colors as well as the old-fashioned table design.
Branding & Imagery
D4 aimed to present a softer feel to the website. Surgery can be a scary and invasive procedure for a person or family, and we really wanted to combat this in the website design. Softer—or even pastel—color schemes are popular among most hospitals, medical offices, and the overall medical industry.
Using a photograph of a Northern Nevada sunset as reference, we were able to recreate the colors to update the previous Western Surgical Group logo. This provided a framework and color scheme that was used for the rest of the website. The original logo, in our opinion, is still relevant and presents a timeless component. A simple change of colors was all that was needed.
To add a personal touch to the website, D4 conducted a photoshoot. The photographs we captured are used throughout the website (homepage slider and sub-pages) to give visitors a sense of familiarity and trust.
Homepage Design
The homepage of a website can be considered one of the most important parts because it is the first thing visitors see–especially “above the fold.” In a sense, it is the first impression a company gives. D4 and Western Surgical Group decided to include a large masthead that rotates images from our photo shoot. We also liked the idea of presenting a scrolling bar of surgical specialties that visitors can see at a glance. As users scroll down the homepage, a story is being told. The story describes Western Surgical Group, what it stands for, its qualifications and highlights, patient testimonials, and other useful information.
Surgical Specialties
The surgical specialties pages are unique in that they dynamically populate the images of the relevant physicians. This gives visitors an idea of exactly who they will be in contact with at Western Surgical Group. These pages also contain brief descriptions of the surgical specialties and lists of further external resources.
D4 made it a point to ensure these pages are search engine optimized. When Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. are used to search for certain medical terms, we want these pages and the corresponding physicians to show. For a more extensive description of search engine optimization (SEO), see this #D4Blog post.
Our Team
The physician and staff imagery was used to create separate landing pages for each member. This was a key aspect of the project because Western Surgical Group had never done this prior. The landing pages each detail physician biographies, certifications, and honors. In creating these pages, we were now able to focus our efforts on optimizing the content for search engines.
Diagnoses & Procedures
One of the biggest developments with the Western Surgical Group website is the integration of custom diagnoses/procedures. We wanted users to be able to seamlessly navigate between these and the surgical specialty pages. Because of the interconnection of the diagnoses, procedures, and specialties, this functionality allows them to be linked with each other.
Mobile Optimization
We always like to encourage mobile optimization and responsive design as part of our initial project proposals. As technology changes, so do websites. Smartphones and tablets are used to browse the Internet just as much as computers nowadays. D4 is able to cater to this by optimizing client websites for these types of devices.
We are thrilled with how Western Surgical Group’s website redesign turned out, and we encourage you to see it for yourself. Visit Western Surgical Group at www.westernsurgical.com. If you are looking to redesign a website of your own or any other digital marketing services, please contact us today! We will get you set up for a free consultation to go over project specifics and to see if D4 is a good fit for your business.