Wilderness Forestry Benefits from Local SEO and Web Design

Wilderness Forestry reached out to us at D4 Advanced Media at the end of 2018 to create a unique website design that features their services and promotes the substantial work they do for Nevadans and Californians. They also hired us to write SEO-driven copy for the website.
Who Is Wilderness Forestry?
Wes Hansen founded Wilderness Forestry as a response to the 2018 Cal Fires. After seeing entire communities being devastated by catastrophic wildfires, Wes and his family decided it was time to get out there and help.
As soon as they were able, they headed out to California to participate in fire suppression and fire clean-up efforts. They’ve been protecting their own family and land through the creation of defensible space for more than a decade.
They wanted to share their knowledge about defensible space and how to create it with as many Californians and Nevadans as possible. Their commitment to safer forests is only eclipsed by their commitment to their customers.
D4AM Provided Unique Web Design and the Best Local SEO
During the design process, we focused on creating a minimalist theme that is enhanced by subtly textured backgrounds and beautiful imagery. We also optimized the design for mobile use. The design also included a “fade-in” effect.

We performed keyword research and competitor analysis to cultivate effective, traffic-driving messaging throughout the site. Because defensive space and the methods used to create it are not widely known, we worked on creating pages that clearly defined the service offerings. It was also important to showcase the client’s competitive advantages. We worked with Wes to write copy that plainly described his services, equipment, FAQ and About pages.